As the
frequent reader of my Blog you might have realized: I am not too much into
dry Riesling – at least publicly, of course! I suppose there are plenty of writers
with far more expertise and indeed better stomach lining. So there is no immanent
need for my blather about Riesling.
However, today I would like to make an
exception. Last Friday evening I met up with four friends, most of them far
more enthusiastic about this admittedly grand varietal, to drink some German
and French dry "Grand Growth" Rieslings from the vintages 2004 and 2005. Names like Wittmann, Trimbach, Keller, Breuer, Zind-Humbrecht, Dönnhoff, Kühn and Emrich-Schönleber speak for themselves. I suggest, just have a look …

Trimbach's Cuvée Frédieric Emile Riesling 2004 from Alsace showed pure Riesling colouration. A pretty bright colour for its age and
origin, with plenty of midget sediments. Its nose was dominated by lean and
very straight fragrances of cool lemon, lemon tea, lilac, some aloe vera
and beautifully stern and profoundly gripping characteristics of
limestone (perhaps imagined). Its taste showed a strong imprinted by limestone as well. The
very lively and well balanced green herbs of fennel, aloe vera, sage
etc. in combination with elegant flavours of very cool and crisp seeming lemons
were able to touch me vinophil soul to a certain extent. Besides that the Frédieric
Emile showed a very invigorating and well fitting acid. For me a
fantastic ****** and very forthright kind of dry Riesling. The group score was 91,0 points. My rating was 92 points.
Domaine Zind-Humbrecht’s Clos Windsbuhl Riesling 2005
from Alsace showed a hue which was close to a decent bright orange. Its nose was
overall very complex, pretty sweet for a dry Riesling and really ripe without
being over-oxidized. The dominant fragrances were ripe lemons and oranges incl. a hint of tart zest, cinnamon, rock sugar, diffuse brown herbs, very mild incense
and traces of predominately tart pastry. The taste was dominated by ripe lemon’y
and orange’y fruit flavours, some honeysuckle, cinnamon, rocky sugar, a hint of
nutmeg and very mildly roasted nuts. The taste was intensely complex, a bit thick and showed
some shortage in acid. The main qualities of this Alsatian were tis impressive complexity and its particular ripe characteristics
(here very well integrated in the overall pattern). For me a downright
very decent ***** pretty classical Alsatian Riesling. The group score was 90,7 points. My
rating was 91 points.
Weingut Keller’s Dahlsheimer Hubacker GG Riesling 2004
from Rheinhessen showed a very vital bright yellow colour and plenty of particles.
Its nose was overall very reserved and appeared surprisingly young. A lot of
serious stone sniffing and green-yellow grapefruit action was going on. I liked the nose
in its more shy and retreated style. The taste showed very ripe, almost a bit
brown’ish, fruit flavours (at a very juvenile stage) with a hint more sweetness
than most of the other Rieslings. Besides that it appeared rather bold and showed
plenty of muscles and richness. But it’s richness wasn’t chubby or super
fruitful. There was a lot of vital powerful pressure and strong limestone profoundness
on my uvular. A real powerful crusher, I guess! In my opinion there is great
substance and plenty of life ahead. The actual fruit flavours weren’t my
favorite characteristics of this wine. Perhaps they need a bit more
integration. Overall a very powerful, for me a bit too powerful, Grosses
Gewächs Riesling. Anyway, a downright very decent ***** Riesling. The group score was 92,0 points. My rating was 90 points.
There is not so much to write about Weingut Breuer’s
Rüdesheimer Berg Schlossberg Riesling 2005 from Rheingau region. Almost
perfection might summarize it best! In every aspect. The colour was vital, radiant,
a bit lush and seductive. The nose was kind’a really perfect. It was magnificently
balanced, sublimely elegant, touchingly complex and tantalizingly blossomy. I
better stop with those cheesy description – in short: it was just absolutely stunning!
Its taste was very very impressive as well. It showed grand balance, filigree
structure and exuberant lean complexity. This stuff may tell you what dry Riesling can offer! You just got to listen! Besides
its shy slate’y charateristics there was plenty of spice from Melissa, vervain
and sage. The fruitful flavours very dominated by mild lofty cherries and mildly
spicy lemons. Its pronounced and lean-airy finish was just grand. The best Schlossberg I ever had. And surely
one of the best dry Rieslings in my life so far. Semi-celestial ******* stuff.
The group score was 95,1 points. My rating was 95 points.
Dönnhoff's Niederhäuser
Hermannshöhle GG Riesling 2004 from Nahe region showed surprisingly
juvenile seeming reflexes of bright clear yellow-green colour. The nose was
really boarded up. There was quite a lot of smoke, shy and very
serious and a bit stern herbs and indications of sublime lemon aromas (mostly a
forecast). The taste was far more open, however really young and full
of vigor. The skillful slate'y touch was evident on every µm of my tongue.
Plenty of serious and well balanced smoke as well as lush'ly stern
lemon fruit made this wine a down-right fantastic ****** experience. Very much Dönnhoff Hermannshöhle! Just the way I adore it! The group score was 93,35 points. My rating was 93 points.
Monzinger Halenberg Lay GG Riesling 2004 Versteigerungswein also from
Nahe region show a radiant bright yellow colour with distinct
tendencies towards green. The nose was downright wonderfully
filigree, elegant and complex. Very infatuating! It was a kind of
nose I couldn't stop sniffing. On the palate there were nuances of
elegance and sublimity. In contrast to the nose it was far more bold,
fruitful and juicy. There was even quite a lot of tropical action
going on. Plenty of life and much flesh on the bone, too. I liked the nose
a bit more. For me by a close margin a fantastic ****** Grosses
Gewächs Riesling from relatively young vines. The group score was
93,9 points. My rating was 92 points.
At the start we had some problems with the hyper wet
cork in Wittmann‘s Westhofener Morstein GG Riesling 2004 bottleneck. Luckily the wine turned
out to be absolutely fine. Its colour was lush, colourful and by far not overaged. Its
nose was really creamy-round, nicely fruitful, a bit ample and enriched with
fragrances of vanilla from imagined oak. The taste showed very balanced and pretty
typical ample qualities of a great Rheinhessen Riesling. It appeared very
accessible, downright stone fruit oriented and very well equipped with
smoothness, richness, some deepness and pure beef. Not so much spice or sublimity in my opinion. Surely,
in a very good shape at the moment. I enjoyed it very much, although those rich
characteristics weren’t me. In my opinion an absolutely very decent *****
Rheinhessen Riesling. Group rating was 93,2 points. My rating was 91 points.
Jakob Kühn's Oestricher Doosberg GG Riesling 2004 from Rheingau
showed a slightly faint amber coloured hue. Its nose was dominated by
fragrances of ripe oranges, rock sugar, obvious traces of sherry and more scents of strong oxidation. The taste was rather bitter-sweet and showed
hardly any acid. The dominant palatal flavours were ripe oranges, herbs, traces of vanilla-cream
and various sherry aromas. I guess crow caps (!) aren't the best way to insure a
long life. Very challenging and mostly oxidized wine. Either no
rating or an adventurous so la-la *** rating. The group rating was 83,0
points (or flaw) and one clear flaw. My rating was 84 points. I am probably an adventurous fellow.
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